Monday, December 22, 2008

Getting Increased Web Site Traffic

There’s more to getting increased web site traffic than just posting links to your web site and doing search engine optimization. If you really want increased web site traffic, there are several small little behind the scenes things you can do that can help.

Make use of meta tags. These tags don’t appear anywhere on your web site but they are buried in the coding behind it. They tell search engines what your web site is about. For example, a florist’s web site might include meta tags like “flowers,” “floral arrangements,” and “gifts” plus tags listing the city and state the florist is located in. When a search engine reads these meta tags, it places the web site into the appropriate categories. When someone does a search for keywords related to the tags, the site will be listed fairly high in the page of search results.

Another way of getting a search engine’s attention and, therefore, increased web site traffic is to always include alternative text on your images. This is the text that is displayed whenever an image does not load. However, even if the image loads correctly, search engines can still read the alt text. If you place specific keywords in your alt text, the search engine robot will use those keywords when categorizing your web site. You should try to make the alt text sound natural, however. For the flower shop example, alt text on a bouquet of flowers could read, “This lovely floral arrangement makes a great gift for anyone in Texas.” This gets both the keyword “floral arrangement” and the location of the shop in the text.

Another thing you need to include on your web site to increased web site traffic is to always include a site map. A site map is basically links that connect to all the pages on your site. While this may duplicate your navigation, a search engine can always read plain text links. It can’t read any navigation done using flash or java. A site map is also helpful in case a user can’t use the other form of navigation for some reason.
Robert Wigle is an expert on increasing online traffic. If you want to get more online traffic, visit his site at:

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